Global Treatment Protocols

Enhance productivity with less manual data entry. Global Treatment Protocols is a quick and simple way to manage the health of your pigs from one central location.


Video Resources

How to create Global Treatment Protocols


You must have an Admin or Veterinarian Role to create and manage Global Treatment Protocols. 

Creating Global Treatment Protocols

1. Open Treatment Protocols

Screenshot (614)

2. Select 'Global Treatment Protocols'

Screenshot (615)

3. Select 'Add Treatment Protocol

Screenshot (616)

You can review all active and disabled protocols from this page. 

4. Fill out required fields. Using the drop down menu, select the Farms you wish to apply the Treatment Protocol to.

Screenshot (617)

You can use a previously created protocol by clicking the 'Use Exisiting Farm Protocol' or 'Use Existing Group Protocol' options. 

5. Once you have finished, double check to make sure all desired farms are listed. 

Screenshot (618)

6. Click 'Create Treatment Protocol'

Screenshot (619)

'Apply on Arrival' should only be used for groups coming from a Sow Unit into a Nursery. If 'Apply on Arrival' is used, EveryPig will prompt the Caregiver of this Protocol for each shipment of pigs. 

Disabling a Global Treatment Protocol

  • Open Treatment Protocols
  • Click 'Global Treatment Protocols'
  • Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Treatment Protocol and select 'Disable'
    Screenshot (620)

Deleting a Global Treatment Protocol

  • Open Treatment Protocols
  • Click 'Global Treatment Protocols'
  • Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Treatment Protocol
  • Select 'Disable'
  • Click the drop down arrow again 
  • Select 'Delete'
    Screenshot (621)