Creating Notes for a Farm

Notes can be helpful for users in several ways. Whether you want to update information or customize advice, we have you covered!

Video Resources 

Creating Notes for a Nursery


To create and manage notes on a farm, you must be assigned an Admin role on the account. This feature also requires EveryPig Scheduling to be enabled. 

Note: You can create notes on a Nursery, Finisher or Wean to Finish Site. 

1. Open the Admin Panel. 

Screenshot (959)

2. Select 'Farms'.

Screenshot (960)

3. Click 'Edit' to the right of the farm. 

Screenshot (961)

4. Select 'Farm Scheduling'. 

Screenshot (962)

5. Click '+ Add a Note'.

Screenshot (963)

6. Once you have typed the note, click 'Save Changes'. 

Screenshot (964)

7. When loads are scheduled to or from this farm, the note will appear in window where the load is scheduled. 

Screenshot (965)