Tracking Mortality Reasons

Creating and tracking mortality reasons on EveryPig is a breeze. This feature offers several valuable benefits such as improved health management and early disease detection.

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EveryPig Mortality Reasons


To create and manage mortality reasons, you must be an Admin user on your account. 

Creating Mortality Reasons

1. Open the Admin Panel. 

Screenshot (752)

2. Click 'Health Variables'.

Screenshot (754)

3. Select 'Mortality Reasons'.

Screenshot (756)

4. Click 'Add Mortality Reason'.

Screenshot (757)

5. Complete the name and code fields then click 'Add Mortality Reason'.

Screenshot (758)

Managing Mortality Reasons

1. Open the Admin Panel.

Screenshot (752)

2. Click 'Preferences'.

Screenshot (755)

3. Make sure you are on the 'Settings' Tab.

Screenshot (759)

4. Scroll down to 'Track Mortality Reasons' and toggle to the ON position. Screenshot (760)

Once Track Mortality Reasons have been enabled, they will appear on the Daily Checkup from a drop down menu for Caregivers to use as they report Mortalities. 

Disabling Mortality Reasons

1. Open the Admin Panel.

2. Click 'Preferences'.

3. Make sure you are on the 'Settings' Tab.

4. Scroll down to 'Track Mortality Reasons' and toggle to the OFF  position.

Screenshot (761)