Scheduling - Scheduled Loads

The Scheduled Loads page is a critical component of efficient logistics, serving as a central hub for organizing and tracking shipments, deliveries, and transportation operations.

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Scheduled Loads Page


Only Admin Users have access to the Scheduled Loads page. 

Reviewing Loads

  • All loads prior to delivering will appear on this page.
  • You can review loads in a Draft, Processing, Pending, Confirmed, In Progress and Conflict Status.
  • You can also review all Archived loads here.

    Screenshot (765)

Export Loads

  • All loads displayed on the Scheduled Loads page can be exported to a CSV file on your desktop.
  • Click 'Export CSV' at the top of the page.

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Managing Visible Fields

  • The Admin user can manage visible fields from the Scheduled Loads Page. By managing the visible fields, the user decides what details they will see when they open the scheduled loads page. 
  • Click the 3 dots on the right side of the page
  • Select 'Manage Visible Fields'
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  • Click and drag unwanted fields to the bottom of the page, under 'Hidden'

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Managing Visible Fields is a personalized view. Other Admins will not see the changes you make to the fields from their account. 

Refine your search using Filters

  • Using the Filters option at the top of the page, you can quickly find the loads you are looking for. 

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Reviewing Load Details

  • You can review individual load details by clicking the Load # in orange.

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  • From this window, you will be able to review the activity log for this load and the load's details.
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  • If the load is in a Pending Status, you can click the 3 dots in the right corner to manage this load.Screenshot (773)

Depending on the status of the load, the options shown above may vary. For example, if the status of the load is Incomplete, you will only have the option to Archive the Load or Export the Data.